Apr 22, 2016

Hotel Bravo - The robot

Hotel Bravo One :
Mop Robot base with
arduino chip as motion controller and navigation module
 and Linked to Raspberry Pi ( I call it RasPI) for the communiction and intelligence framwork

For the first try

The first base that I bought is :

but may be I should buy

On the Intelligence and Communication Level
There is
The RasPI

Wifi Dongle for RasPI
SAMTECH Wireless 802.11b/g/n 150Mbps USB Adapter WiFi LAN Dongle Network
A nano Blutetooth dongle for the raspi
Univers GSM Super NanoTooth Mini Clé USB Bluetooth pour Nokia/HTC/Samsung/Motorola/Sony Ericsson Noir

I bought a combo wifi+ bluetoo doogle ( a bit too big , may be 2 seperate nano dungle are better)
2 in 1 USB2.0 USB 2.0 to Bluetooth v3.0 3.0 + WiFi 150Mbps 150M Wireless LAN Network Ethernet Card Adapter Converter Dongle
Also for the communication a sim reader to be tested on Raspi
SODIAL(R) Lecteur USB de carte Sim du t¨¦l¨¦phone portable Pour SMS vers PC

Hadware Level aka Motion controlor;

either a Nano Arduino

I bought a cheap verion of Nano Arduino for testing
2 de JMT Nouvelle version améliorée Pro Mini Atmega328P 5V / blocs de 16MHz For Electronic Media interactif

And Of couse in order to program the Nano Arduino a chip loader ( to tansfer your file / image / binary) from the pc to the chip
XINTE FT232RL Downloader USB au câble Serial Télécharger câble USBTO232 USB vers USB MODULE TTL Module FT232

For the Arduino distance mesuremeant ultrasound , to test if they have interferance issue
3 de 4-Pin Module à ultrasons HC-SR04 Capteur de mesure de distance pour Arduino

Also on the hardware level , temp and Humidity detection( however it seems that the motion can alter those result to be tested
DHT22/AM2302 Capteur Numérique Température Humidité DC 3.5V-6V

I also in case I want to bypass the communication level , I bought bluetooth  chip for Arduino. I should provide  a wireless access to the motion conrol level
2 de JMT Bluetooth sans fil en forme de série module esclave HC-06 pour Arduino

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